
kim quon architect, llc

selected project list

kim has performed as the design architect or the design-build project manager on the following projects


various custom single family residences in washington state and california - various multi-family residential projects throughout southern california - various residential remodels in washington state and california


zodiac supper club, tacoma - iron wok asian bistro, san diego - wendys, various - taco bell/kfc, various

retail - commercial

sony stores - trader joes - wilson creek winery - temecula office center business park - legacy corporate centre industrial park - holiday spa health clubs


hatchery la (disciples of christ) - new covenant fellowship church - olive branch church - first lutheran church addition - cornerstone church classroom to kitchen conversion

institutional - education

huntington beach lifeguard headquarters - city of hope - southern california edison - uc irvine new media arts building - uc irvine medical education building - boys and girls clubs southwest riverside county


warrior physical training center, fallon - child development center nas north island, san diego - truck company operations dining facility, camp pendleton - navy band renovation, naval base san diego - various other navfac and usace projects  

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